Granite Care Guide
Question: How do I clean granite and how do I polish granite? How To Clean Granite and How to Polish Granite
Step One: clean the granite surface, it is essential that a proper cleanser be used to keep the granite surface clean and sanitary. Our NeutraSheen For Granite is specifically formulated to safely clean and not harm the granites’ surface color, clarity, or gloss. Our NeutraSheen For Granite can be purchased either premixed or concentrated. Once our NeutraSheen For Granite is applied to the granite surface, use one of our Ultimate Polishing Pads in a circular hand motion to clean and remove any surface dirt; next, rinse the granite surface with clean water and be sure the granite surface is dry before sealing the granite.

Step Two:sealing, polishing, and protecting the granite surface. Apply a generous amount of Granite Guard Protector SB, over the entire granite surface, let it penetrate for at least one hour; Granite Guard Protector SB is a clear, deep penetrating, solvent based, impregnating sealer for polished granite; next, apply a light coating of Granite Polish and Protector to an area no larger than three square feet, immediately, remove all residue of Granite Polish and Protector from the granite surface with paper towels, use a circular buffing motion to accomplish this task; Granite Polish and Protector enhances the granites’ color, gloss, and repellency of water, oil, and dirt penetration; next, buff this area with our Micro Fiber Mesh Hand Polishing Bonnet; you can purchase additional Micro Fiber Mesh Hand Polishing Bonnets on our website in the Accessories category. Our Micro Fiber Mesh Hand Polishing Bonnet can be used manually or by machine, it has a built in pouch your hand fits into and it also attaches to machines that have a velcro pad holder such as the machines contained in our granite and marble refinishing kits. After you finish polishing this first section of granite with our Granite Polish and Protector, you’re ready to repeat this same process on the next section of granite, and continue, section by section until completely finished.
Please Note: We recommend twice a year, sealing, plus polishing and protecting your granite with Granite Guard Protector SB, and Granite Polish and Protector respectively. Both of these preventative maintenance steps are crucial in protecting the natural beauty and value of your granite and yet they are so quick and simple to apply. A typical kitchen with granite countertops and an island, or a stall shower with granite walls and floor, takes no more than one hour of actual work time to clean with NeutraSheen For Granite, seal with Granite Guard Protector SB, and polish with Granite Polish and Protector.
Question: what products should I order from your website to maintain and protect the natural beauty of our granite? Which products do I need to buy to clean and polish granite?
Granite questions and answers for countertops, vanity tops, tabletops, bar tops, and shower walls.
Answer:Â All granites are porous; what typically harms the finish on granite are the harsh chemicals contained in soap, shampoo, perfume, and cosmetics, the minerals in hard water, household cleaning agents which are highly acidic or alkaline in nature; all foods and beverages are not neutral when measured on the PH scale, many of which contain citric acid as a preservative.
Our Granite Maintenance Kits contain everything you will need to clean, seal, polish, and protect your granite. All of our Granite Maintenance Kits include our Instructional How To Do It DVD.
If you have your own six inch random orbit sander/polisher machine, which is Velcro backed; then, you can order either our Standard Granite Maintenance Kit or Deluxe Granite Maintenance Kit without buffer machine, to save money. Please Note: it is not necessary to use a machine to clean, seal, polish, and protect your granite; the following granite maintenance steps can all be performed manually, they are shown on our Instructional How To Do It DVD as discussed in this granite cleaning and polishing guide.